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Cultures of Dreaming

Every culture and every religion has references to dreams and dream interpreting. It is at the core of our humanity. In recent times; however, dreams have been disgarded. I'm sure you have heard "it was only a dream".  I believe our creator would not have given us this powerful tool unless he meant for us to understand it.

Believe in Dreams

We Can Learn From Ancient Cultures
Navajo Ritual

Dedicate your sleep to gain knowledge. Dream can reveal a great deal about what troubles you. 

Number 1 of the Beauty Way

-Navajo Healer-

Cultures like the Native Americans, and the Australian Aborigines have very strong beliefs in dreams. The Aborigines have pictures on rock walls all over Australia depicting Dreamtime visions. They believe the knowledge of our anscestors come to us in dreams. They believe we are all connected to each other via our past, present and future. An interesting fact about the Dream Catcher History can be read here. 


Anthropological literature is full of dreaming and dream interpretation. One common lore is that dreams tell the future as the dream interpreted by Joseph in the Bible. The belief in a soul came from the concept of dreaming from the Mechinacu of Brazil.


There are certain dream themes that occur over all cultures such as falling, flying, teeth falling out, etc. These themes however, are interpreted differently across cultures. The more we value our dreams as a culture, teaching our children that there is value in dreams, the more we can connect with our inner selves and the world around us.  Some more common dream symbols.

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