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Dream Recall

Dream Interpretation is a powerful tool to understanding who you are and your purpose in life.  Let me help you get started. 
Dream Girl
Dream Journal

Realize that Recall

not  the lack of dreaming that is the reality. You have to have trust in yourself.





Before you go to sleep:

Put a journal or notebook beside your bed and put  tomorrow's date on it. Then say to yourself "I want to remember my dreams for my soul progression." This opens your subconscious to your intent.


Dream Journal opened
Dream Journal writing

Upon Awakening:

Immediatly write down your dream. Even if you only remember one thing, write it down because many times just the act of writing helps to remember more. Include any emotions you felt during and  upon awakening.


Make Notes:

By this I mean to make notes of what happened the days right before the dream and how you felt or thoughts you had. This will help you later when you put the dream message into your waking life.


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